from euphoria
a poem about a video call
the music fades and comes on
but i can see the lights,
a thousand colours in your face
you are pretty, and i try to tell you
but you don’t hear your network is all bad-
you are in an enclosed space
"can you hear me?" is the only sound i can filter
you scream it madly,
but your happiness is clear
your smile is cutting, and mending
every bruise around my heart
the feed freezes and buffers
and i know i stare sheepish at your friend
who happens to look into your phone
"i don’t know if you can hear me but i love you!"
you scream again
and all that chaotic warmth
ruptures everything in my world
then there is calm
/like hiroshima, a large cloud diminishing, a deep breathe away from my euphoria taking complete sway of my being/
the call ends, but
somehow you had found a way
for your happiness felt miles away
in the club with your friends
and one too many drinks to be felt
by me.
Lagos. 18/09/2021